Dr. Mardianto, S.Ag., M.Si.
Mardianto ,
Senior Lecturer in Department Psychology, Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP),
Padang, Indonesia. He completed a master's degree in psychology at Gadjah Mada
University Yogyakarta in 2004, is currently pursuing a postgraduate program in
the doctorate of educational psychology in the Malang State University. He has
been a Senior Lecturer in UNP, since 2006. His research interests include the
field of social psychology, cyber psychology, education psychology, and
indigenous psychology
following are the results of Mr. Mardianto's research that have been published
1. Cyber
Aggression between Intentions and Cyber Wellness of Students: An application of
TPB Models. https://www.e-iji.net/dosyalar/iji_2021_2_5.pdf
Developing a Positive School Climate to Reduce Aggression and Cyber Aggression
of Student in Social Media. https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/psshers-19/125943671
3. Cyber
Aggression of Students: The Role and Intensity of the Use of Social Media and
Cyber Wellness. https://www.ijicc.net/images/vol5iss6/5628_Mardianto_2019_E_R.pdf
4. Peran Pendidikan Digital Citizenship Untuk Pencegahan Perilaku Ujaran Kebencian Siswa di media Sosial 2018 https://osf.io/preprints/inarxiv/p9zm5/
5. Peran
Guru di Era Digital dalam Mengembangkan Self Regulated Learning Siswa Generasi
Z Untuk Pencapaian hasil Pembelajaran Optimal (2019)
6. Prasangka dan Ujaran Kebencian Siber : Peran
Pola Komunikasi Daring dan Algoritma Media Sosial (Ruang Gema dan Gelembung
Informasi) (2019)
7. Understanding Cyber Aggression in Social Media Users with the Social Psychology Paradigm https://series.gci.or.id/article/387/17/pstrs-2020
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