
Cyber Psychology and Intervention Research Center (CPIRC)

Universitas Negeri Padang



Cyberpsychology Intervention and Research Center

Cyberpsychology Intervention and Research Center

The UNP Cyberpsychology Research and Intervention Center (CPIRC) sets the field of study and issues related to individual and community cyber behavior. It relates to the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as the main issues that will be developed in research and community services by members of the research team. The main subject that becomes the research theme in psychology and cyberspace is the study of psychology and the development of cyber behavior interventions for individuals, Indonesian society in particular, and the global community in general. The selection of the central theme of this research is based on the needs of the virtual world community to be able to use information and communication technology healthily and reasonably. So it can produce psychological well-being for individuals, the internet user community in general, and social media users in particular.

The goal of CPIRC-UNP is to produce findings and novelties from theoretical models of individual and community cyber behavior as a basis for intervention in the cyber behavior of individuals and communities using digital information and communication technology to create psychological well-being and mental health of individuals and communities using information technology. Achievement of the targets has been outlined in the design activities and programs of this cyberpsychology research center and interventions. The strategic steps will be implemented as follows:





To become an Innovative and Internationally Reputable Center for Cyberpsychology and Intervention Research.


  1. Contribute to knowledge, research, and technology development for the community welfare of information and communication technology users.
  2. Actively participate in developing the productivity of the community of information and communication technology users.
  3. Collaborate in cyber behavior research and intervention with industry partners, NGOs, and government organizations at home and abroad.
  4. Organize education and training in cyberpsychology and digital health.



  1. Utilize research results and available resources to solve cyber behavior problems for information and communication technology users.
  2. Provide relevant and quality contributions in applying science and technology from the results of cyberpsychology research to solve the problems of information and communication technology users.


Main Task :

Strengthen the development, assessment, implementation, and intervention of cyber behavior of information and communication technology users.





We take a problem and look at it from all angles, combining the expertise and talents of scholars from different disciplines.

Exploring internet addiction on adolescents

Admin, Indonesia

2 tahun yang lalu